Sonic Branding For Brands

Sonic Branding For Brands

Create distinct, memorable sound elements to establish an emotional connection with your consumers and reinforce your brand identity.

$ 2,500.00 USD

About the service

Memento’s expertise in Sonic Branding offers a unique approach to your branding:

  • Enhance your brand identity: Craft a distinctive jingle and sound bites that capture your brand's essence, making it recognizable
  • Create emotional connections: Utilize a custom sound to build a deeper connection between your audience and your brand
  • Reinforce your brand presence: Apply consistent audio elements in marketing materials to create a unified auditory message

Experience superior sonic branding with Memento.

What’s included?

We leverage and capture your distinct brand attributes to create a cohesive sonic landscape with a jingle and sound bites creation, cultivating an authentic experience for your audience:

  • Jingle creation: developing a short, distinctive sound signature embodying your brand's identity
  • Original sound bites: composing custom, branded sound bites that represent the brand's core values and emotions
  • Audio strategy consulting: providing advice to help you apply cohesive audio branding and consistency

Our comprehensive approach is made to deliver a memorable and consistent sonic identity.